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“ShqipVille” wins the long-term contract

“ShqipVille” wins the long-term contract

Why is there so much talk about “ShqipVille” recently? Why do many Albanians, but especially many foreigners who cross the threshold of this house, then turn it into a permanent address? Why are many businesses approaching and seeing it as a fruitful and perfect marketing structure for their authentic Albanian products?

Because in the heart of Brussels, in the most historic, visited and attractive area, in the Grand Place, “ShqipVille” is breathing like a strong, functional, tangible, successful and especially visionary structure, whose mission is to create connecting bridges between Albania, Kosovo and Belgium.

Meanwhile, the Albanians themselves are finally finding a meeting point that promotes the value system, they are seeing the model of how a multicultural society should work and they are getting to know each other beyond those classic gatherings with music and concerts. In “ShqipVille” there is music and what music, in those tasting evenings when you enjoy a glass of wine from excellent Albanian wineries and food that bears the Made in Albania brand, in poetry evenings and in the promotion of books, in exhibitions of paintings and in the promotion of products manufactured in Albania.

Because this has been and is the goal of Maison Culturele Belgo-Albanaise, founded by journalist Ledja Canaj: to build the first creative model with real impact in the Belgian-Albanian community and not only, with the aim of encouraging intercultural dialogue between Albania, Kosovo and Belgium, promoting talented young people, cultural, artistic or gastronomic wealth.

But not by making speeches in the air, but by bringing it concretely, making it tangible and recognizable. And precisely because everything came beyond theories, tiresome clichés, shouts “how good it is to be Albanian”, but actually and quite naturally showing the most authentic power and values of this great community, the “ShqipVille” model is being considered as a ready-made concept that can be easily reproduced in other European countries with a large Albanian community.

It is the beginning of creating a multifunctional, creative and ultimately modern network. So modern that it does not depend on any thread connecting it to politics.

Completely independent, open and welcoming to be touched by all without any financial obligation but with the sole obligation to reinforce feelings of belonging and give immigrants the opportunity to be an active part of the cultural and social life of the city where they have been integrated and where they have become a part of with so much struggle and difficulty.

And precisely because we Albanians finally have a dignified home, precisely because Albanian businesses are finding a platform that works and has an effect, precisely because the model is being seen as easily installable in other countries, “ShqipVille”, which started the road only as a 3-month project, it already has a long, very long life.

Ledja Canaj, the creator of this project, has signed a multi-year contract and remains open thanks to thousands of visitors who have appreciated this unique concept as a model of multicultural coexistence and strengthening the value system… Did we answer the initial questions ? Ah, do you have any other questions? Look at “ShqipVille” every day, visit the Instagram page @ maisonculturellebeal, where you will discover fantastic stories of Albanians and come celebrate Easter & Bajram on March 30, at 19:00.