• info@maisonculturellebelgo-albanaise.com

Jehona e Shqipes​

Sience 1986

Every Sunday from 15:00-17:00

Ledja Canaj and Sakip Skepi, the dynamic hosts who bring you a comprehensive range of engaging topics on Jehona e Shqipës. Ledja Canaj and Sakip Skepi co-moderate the program, ensuring that our listeners are well-informed about various aspects of Albanian culture, news, politics, and art promotion.

Together, Ledja Canaj and Sakip Skepi ensure a well-rounded program that covers a broad spectrum of topics. From cultural events and artistic endeavors to current affairs and political insights, Jehona e Shqipës offers a comprehensive platform for in-depth discussions and engaging conversations.

Lliterary column is moderated by the esteemed Kolë Gjeloshaj, we delve into the world of Albanian literature. Each month, we bring you the latest updates and discussions on new publications, ensuring that you stay informed about the vibrant literary scene in Albania and beyond.

We believe that literature has the power to inspire, provoke dialogue, and broaden our horizons. Through our literary column, we aim to nurture a love for reading, encourage cultural exchange, and support the literary community by promoting their works.

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Jehona e Shqipës