• info@maisonculturellebelgo-albanaise.com
Maison Culturelle Belgo-Albanaise ASBL

Maison Culturelle Belgo-Albanaise ASBL

The organization “Maison Culturelle Belgo-Albanaise” established in Brussels on February 24, 2022, was created with the aim of becoming an important meeting point for the Albanian Community in Belgium. After many years of privately advising, helping and serving as a contact point for a large number of Albanian migrants facing the everyday challenge of living in a foreign country, we decided to create a space for all those who seek help and support as well as for those who just want to connect with their community. We want to serve our community and at the same time we aim to become a bridge of communication and exchange with our host country.
Our Mission & Objectives

Our Mission & Objectives

The purpose of the ASBL "Maison Culturelle Belgo-Albanaise" is to promote and develop cultural exchanges between Belgium, Albania and Kosovo, through literary and artistic meetings, Albanian, French and Dutch language courses, art exhibitions, and other events of cultural character. "Maison Culturelle Belgo-Albanaise"’s, main objective is to promote cultural events that will transmit universal values such as democracy, respect for human rights, pluralism, tolerance, and social cohesion between peoples. We aim to encourage the participation of Albanian origin migrantsin the public and social life and to inform and advise the host community by fostering mutual knowledge and respect. Our final goal is to encourage and promote the integration of the migrant of Albanian origin, into the Belgian and European social sphere. To achieve this, we intend to respond to different needs and demands related to the migratory journey, both in terms of tools and support. Various methods are used, such as citizenship and health awareness; information sessions in the search for employment and training; support in the search for housing; mediation with local authorities; etc.