Inauguration of “ShqipVille”
On the day of the celebration Albania’s Independence, we opened an exhibition space in Grand
Place, the heart of Brussels. The aim of this exhibition is to introduce to Belgian and international
public Albanian culture and craftsmanship. This space will remain open until the 17 of February,
Kosovo’s Independence Day. During these months, Albanian products (Made in Albania & Made
in Kosovo); craft, industrial, food as well as commercial offers, travel packages to Albania and
Kosovo, will have the opportunity to be exhibited in a prestigious space in the heart of the Grand
Place, in Brussels. The exhibition of products and services will be combined with artistic activities
by Albanian well-known artists and will be accompanied by a gastronomic festival by the most
famous chefs of Albanian cuisine. Also, an important contribution to the promotion of original
products from Albania and Kosovo will be provided through the recording of various podcasts
about the success stories of the participating businesses.
This project was made possible with the support of Ms. Lydia Mutyebele Échevine du Logement,
du Patrimoine Public et de l’Égalité des chances. This is an ongoing project and up to now over
2000 people have visited our exhibition space. Below some pictures from the inaugural event.